How to Chat using Terminal?

How to Chat using Terminal?

Chatting in Terminal using irssi

irssi is a simple chatting tool you can use in your terminal. It's straightforward and doesn't have any fancy features. It's just about sending messages back and forth. Whether you're experienced or new to terminal chatting, irssi provides a basic and effective way to talk with others.

  1. Install irssi.

  2. Go to terminal and type the following commands.

     /set <any-nickname-you-like>
  3. It shows a list of available networks, connect to the best network allowing max messages by using the following command.

     /connect <network-name>
  4. Create a channel by typing following command.

     /join <channel-name-that-you-want-to-create>
  5. Now, for anyone who wants to join chat with you, ask them to execute the following commands.

     /set <nickname>
     /connect <network-name>
     /join <your-channel-name>


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